Waiting on Security: The Real Cost

July 27th, 2022 Posted by Security & Surveillance, Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (SMBs), Technology 0 thoughts on “Waiting on Security: The Real Cost”

“Being an SMB owner takes a little bit of a gambler mentality. Just make sure you don’t gamble on the wrong risks!”

Glenn Baruck, eDot

Let’s face it; if you want to be a small business owner, you must also be a bit of a gambler. Owning and operating a small business usually involves getting comfortable taking some chances and maybe even ignoring a few risks. One key to success is choosing the right chances to take and risks to ignore. Choose wisely, and with a lot of hard work and a little luck, your small business will be a success!

However, one risk that many SMB owners are choosing to ignore is the risk of a cyber-attack. In today’s business environment, this is not a chance you want to take or a risk to ignore. While cybersecurity can seem daunting and expensive, the ramifications of neglecting it are usually disastrous and often fatal for a small business.

In this article, Derek Kerns for smallbiztechnology.com discusses the real cost of waiting on security, the reasons you need to invest in it continually and how to get going in the right direction.

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