Best practices for building a security culture program

January 13th, 2021 Posted by Security & Surveillance, Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (SMBs), Technology 0 thoughts on “Best practices for building a security culture program”

“Improving your company’s security habits begins with creating a security culture. It won’t happen overnight but is worth the effort.”

Glenn Baruck, DigiTek

It’s no secret that organizations of all sizes face both internal and external security challenges at unprecedented levels. New threats emerge daily, making the job of keeping any organization safe more and more complicated. One way to address these ongoing security challenges is to initiate and implement a new security culture within your organization. Doing so is not an easy task and needs to be viewed as a long-term process instead of a quick fix. Javvad Malik’s article for gives us an excellent overview of the challenges of creating a security culture and some best practices for those embarking on the journey.

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