How To Not Completely Hate The People You’re Quarantined With

March 19th, 2020 Posted by Life and Culture, Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (SMBs) 0 thoughts on “How To Not Completely Hate The People You’re Quarantined With”

“Being quarantined with others is going to be challenging, no matter what our relationships are. We will get through this, but a little expert advice never hurts.”

– Glenn Baruck, eDot

As we continue to live with the new restrictions and changes to our lives brought on by the Coronavirus, there is some excellent advice available to help us cope. One excellent resource is this article by Emma Grey Ellis for Wired about living with the people you are quarantined with. The piece shows us that If you do end up isolated with others due to the spread of Covid-19, the extended period of isolated-yet-never-alone confinement you’d be facing has more in common with shipping out to an Antarctic research station, a submarine, or the International Space Station than it does with your domestic daily grind. It provides insight into the psychological challenges we will face and offers advice from experts who have studied the psychological impact of quarantine as well.

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